

Scalp treatment is a process in which scalp problems can be prevented and hair can be made thicker and healthier. It is a procedure in which medication or natural remedies are applied on the scalp for preventing hair loss and making hair thicker and healthier. This therapy helps in stimulating the production of new cells, strengthening the follicles, reducing inflammation, etc. Scalp treatments can help to improve the appearance of your hair and make it look thicker. Remember, the scalp is a delicate area that can become dry, itchy, and irritated. Plus, it is also where hair grows from the skin, so the skin on your scalp is essential for healthy hair growth.


Oily Scalp

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Does your hair will look limp and greasy a day after shampooing?
Oily scalp is caused by over-active sebum glands in the scalp produces excess oil and clogs hair follicles. Sebum gland secretion is affected by hormonal changes, our daily diet and stress levels. In the absence of proper cleaning, excessive oil will oxidise and clog our pores. Greasy scalp are prone to scalp acne and results in the scalp feeling itchy all the time. Clogged hair pores can lead to infection, scalp inflammation, deterioration of our follicles resulting in hair thinning and hair loss.


Do you see flakes on your hair and clothes?
Normal skin replacement is about 28 days. Due to reasons such as insufficient sleep, stress, unhealthy diets and hormonal changes, the replacement cycle (keratinisation) is shortened. This shortening of the replacement cycle results in new skin cells being generated at a faster pace than the shedding of the dead skin cells on the scalp surface. Over time, the accumulation of the dead skin cells forms the dandruff that we see on your scalp. Other common causes of dandruff also include irritated and oily scalp, wrong use of hair care products, environmental and pollution factors, skin conditions like contact dermatitis, malassezia and others. Dandruff is a sign that your scalp has been compromised. Your hair roots are weakened and result in more hair loss.

“ We cater to the needs of the discerning clients who have hair and scalp concerns through providing the best value for money ”

How can Retern Tricho-Blend help?

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A detailed hair & scalp analysis by certified hair care professional to understand the current scalp condition, lifestyle habits and environmental factors to determine the root causes to hair loss and provide a customised treatment plan.

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Retern Tricho-Blend® is a 4 phase professional treatment approach developed by our trichologists to identify the most ideal treatment for the hair loss condition.

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Tricho-Blend® Deeptox remove deeply imbedded impurities within pores and reduce inflammation of the hair follicles to allow regeneration of hair from the roots.

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Tricho-Blend® Nuhair awakens the dull and tired scalp and nourish the hair follicles and maximise the absorption of the Tricho-Blend® essences in the treatment.

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Tricho-Blend® Power Antioxidant CM+ to help strengthen the tissues within hair follicles. It contains strong anti-oxidant properties that enhance the scalp’s immunity system.

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A Daily Intensive Regime hair care routine will also be customised by our Specialist for each individual to use at home for a healthy scalp and gorgeous hair.

Recommended Signature Therapy for You

Tricho-Blend®Signature Hair Revitalising